location Jordan
Petra, the capital of traveling or Idumei later Nabateisky capital of the kingdom, the main city sons Esau. The city is located on the territory of modern-day Jordan, and at an altitude of more than 900 metres above sea level and 660 metres over the surrounding areas, the valley of Arawa. Peter is a magnificent cliff of red sandstone, which cut bizarre ports, apparently similar to Roman architecture. Monks often built their homes in the caves, and they always seem surprising. no one takes to say who, when and why built the masterpiece. Modern archeologists have investigated more than a third of the buildings and corridors to the depth of rocks, and so far can only marvel at the sight and speculate.
location Jordan
Petra, the capital of traveling or Idumei later Nabateisky capital of the kingdom, the main city sons Esau. The city is located on the territory of modern-day Jordan, and at an altitude of more than 900 metres above sea level and 660 metres over the surrounding areas, the valley of Arawa. Peter is a magnificent cliff of red sandstone, which cut bizarre ports, apparently similar to Roman architecture. Monks often built their homes in the caves, and they always seem surprising. no one takes to say who, when and why built the masterpiece. Modern archeologists have investigated more than a third of the buildings and corridors to the depth of rocks, and so far can only marvel at the sight and speculate.